About Mount Nittany Elementary
Mount Nittany Elementary School is a small school with a professional and compassionate staff in a picturesque location. Large classrooms with ample natural lighting and large group instruction areas are highlights within the building. Academic, social, and emotional development are our priority. At Mount Nittany Elementary, we are responsible...we are respectful...we are safe...we are ready to learn!
Our School
- 402 students
- 19 classroom teachers
- 20:1 classroom teacher to student ratio.
- Instructional assistants in all K-2 classrooms.
- An instructional support specialist, reading specialist and ESL teacher.
- Special education support for students with an Individual Education Program.
- Guidance counselor and school psychologist.
- Full nursing services.
- Librarians and comprehensive libraries that support the reading curriculum.
- Instructional technology (1-to-1 Initiative, each student has a device for instruction).
- Appealing, nutritious breakfasts and lunches.
- 41% more resources allocated per student than local charter schools.
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test scores rank in the 95th percentile nationally out of 26 million students.
- Grades 2-6 students surpassed statewide assessment test score averages by 15-25% in 2016.
- New K-5 English Language Arts curriculum.
- Multiple National Association of Music Merchants Best Communities for Music Education awards for superior programs.
- Elementary artwork showcased at annual K-12 Art Show on Penn State campus.
Our teachers district wide
- 16 years on average in education
- 12 years on average with the district
- 54 percent hold advanced degrees
- 15 with Ph.Ds
Unique collaborations with Penn State University
- PDS Program — 36 percent of elementary classrooms have a College of Ed. intern co-teaching with a mentor teacher all year.
- Partners in Music Program — Penn State music students conduct fifth grade musicians.
- Penn State Extension Master Gardener Program — Certified Master Gardeners assist with school gardens and horticulture programs.
- Penn State faculty assist with curriculum development research.
Beth Solensky, Principal
700 Brandywine Drive, State College, PA 16801