PTO Events and Activities
MNE PayPal Link
This link can be used for donations etc.
Thank you for another successful Fun Run! We raised $20,000 and counting for our school!
Exploration Fair
Thursday November 14, 2024 6-7:30PM. A night of fun and exploration. Students are invited to create a project based on any interest they would like to learn more about or teach others about. Families are invited to join us in the gym from 6-7:30 to view the projects. We will also have guest presenters at the event!
Marianna's FundraiserMarianna's Hoagie/Pizza orders will be delivered Monday November 25. Pick up in they gym from 3-5:30PM! Thank you for your support!
Kindergarten Connection
Please keep an eye out for upcoming events in the Mount Nittany Notes and flyers sent home with your kindergarten student!
Scholastic Book Fair
Volunteers will be needed throughout the Book Fair. All volunteers must have the required volunteer clearances to participate. More information on obtaining clearances can be found here.
PTO Meeting Schedule 2024-2025
In the Library from 6:30 - 7:30 PM (typically 2nd Tuesday of the month, but sometimes shifted due to conflicts)
- December 10, 2024
MNE Community and Restaurant Nights
Next event:
November 11th 1-7 PM - Main Street Ceramics Community Night - Looking for something fun to do for the early dismissal? Join us at Main Street Ceramics, a portion of every project will go back to the PTO!
Restaurant nights will be announced on Facebook/Instagram and via emails from Ms. Solensky.
Links to ongoing Fundraising Opportunities
Boxtops for Education (see new receipt scanning for some products)
Please contact the Mount Nittany Elementary School PTO with any questions, comments, ideas or suggestions!
'Like Us' on Facebook! MNE PTO / Follow on Instagram- mnespto